Awards & Professional Affiliations

Professional Affiliations

As a result of our years of quality service, Specialized Engineering has established itself as an accredited agency, meeting the requirements of ASTM E329; a leader in the consulting engineering and material testing community. We have also played an active role in the local scientific and engineering communities, in addition to being the first inspection agency to register as an associate member of WACEL. Our laboratories are accredited and/or approved by the following organizations:


AASHTO Accredited | American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials

ICC | International Code Council

MARTCP | Mid-Atlantic Regional Technician Certification Program

MDSHA | Maryland State Highway Administation

NICET | National Institute of Certified Engineering Technicians

USACE | United States Army Corps of Engineers

VDOT | Virginia Department of Transportation

WACEL | Washington Area Council of Engineering Laboratories

WVDOT | West Virginia Department of Transportation


ABC | Associated Builders and Contractors

ACEC | American Council of Engineering Companies

ACI | American Concrete Institute

ACS | American Chemical Society-Environmental Division

AEG | Association of Engineering Geologists

AGI | American Geological Institute

AIA | American Institute of Architects

AIPG | American Institute of Professional Geologists

AISC | American Institute of Steel Construction

ANSI | American National Standards Institute

ASCE | American Society of Civil Engineers

ASFE | Professional Firms Practicing in the Geosciences

ASNT | The American Society for NonDestructive Testing

ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials

ASW | American Welding Society

DCMSA | D.C. Metropolitan Subcontractors Association

DELDOT | Delaware Department of Transportation

FCCC | Frederick County Chamber of Commerce (MD)

JCCC | Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce (WV)

MAA | Maryland Aviation Authority

MAA | Maryland Asphalt Association

MDDOT | Maryland Department of Transportation

MHCA | Maryland Highway Contractors Association

MRMCA | Maryland Ready-Mix Concrete Association

MTA | Maryland Transportation Association

NAHB | National Association of Home Builders

NLAC | National Lead Abatement Council

NRMCA | National Ready Mixed Concrete Association

PENNDOT | Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

SMPS | Society for Marketing Professional Services

USACE | US Army Corp of Engineers

WBC | Washington Building Congress